Logic School Chorus
The music of PCA’s Logic School Chorus seeks to reflect the nature and character of a creative God as displayed through His people. Chorus combines both music education and performance excellence together as a foundation to build community and give students the opportunity to glorify God with their artistic endeavors. PCA Chorus students are encouraged to stretch their vocal range, style and tonal quality through vocal skill development exercises and a variety of musical genres. PCA Chorus students grow as musical artists and servant leaders as they participate together in various performance opportunities throughout the school year.
Praise and Worship Team
PCA’s Rhetoric School Praise and Worship Team desires to serve God by combining musical excellence with heartfelt adoration of the Creator who designed His people to give Him praise. Members of the Praise and Worship Team are inspired to develop their God-given talents in a way that sharpens creative musical skills, while directing attention to the One who is worthy of worship.
Praise and Worship Team students expand their vocal range by utilizing vocal skill development exercises, and grow in instrumental excellence by analyzing and implementing instrument styles specific to the praise song genre in use. Praise Team students lead the student body in weekly chapel worship and participate in additional worship leading opportunities at various PCA events throughout the school year.