
Logic School

Logic Lunch Groups

I recently had the privilege of going into all the study halls to talk with the logic students.While I was there I shared with them about lunch groups and gave them the ability to sign up for any they might be interested in. There was a great response and the 5 groups with the largest…

How to Help Your Logic Student Build Friendships

The middle school years are some of the toughest.  They are awkward years of trying to find your place and often feeling uncomfortable in your own skin since there are so many changes.  This also begins a time in your child’s life where the way their peers view them matters more than their family.  In…

“All logic students are required to have a laptop”

“All logic students are required to have a laptop” It’s a phrase that makes new 6th grade students rejoice and many 6th grade parents fearful, which are both very valid emotions.  This newfound freedom for many of our 6th graders is exciting.  They have seen mom and dad on their devices for years and this…